Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Constant Expectation

 (John 14:3)

Yesterday school was closed.  Not because it had snowed the night before, but because there was a high chance of it to begin snowing throughout the day.  It was an unexpected blessing, giving us the chance to enjoy time together with family and friends.  I found, though, that no matter what we did, whether it was watching a movie together, rearranging bedrooms, petting the dogs, making cookies, or whatever, there was a constant expectation that at any moment it would begin to snow.

Our snow gear was pulled out and ready to be worn, sleds were found in the garage, wood was stacked by the fireplace, and hot chocolate and marshmallows were lined up in the cabinet, waiting to be consumed.  We were ready...prepared...for the great arrival of the snow.  We just didn't know what time it would come.  We were certain it was on its way, though!  The newscasters had told us there was a 100% chance of snow.  It was coming, and there was no way we would be missed.  So we went about our day, living life somewhat normally, yet with a bit more joy in our steps, a feeling of expectation quickening our heart rates, and a constant glance out the windows knowing that at some point we would see snow.  It would come as promised.  And our day would be even better because of its arrival.

As we waited, I couldn't help but think that one day an event even greater than snow will happen.  It won't just hit parts of the US like the snow did, but will come to every nation on earth.  It will be an event more spectacular than anything we have ever yet experienced.  There is 100% chance that this will happen.  Yes, without a doubt, one day Jesus will return!  It has been promised, foretold.  He didn't want us to wonder if we would ever see Him again, so He told us that He will, most certainly, return.  That's how I know.  John 14:3 tells us Jesus' words:  "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."

He is coming back some day.  
                                     Maybe even today!!     
                                                              Are we ready for His arrival?

I went through great lengths to make sure I was prepared for the arrival for the snow.
   What have I done today to prepare for the arrival of my Lord?

I kept looking out the window, believing that the snow was, indeed, coming.
   Do I truly believe that Jesus will be coming back?  
 Am I watching for Him?

I was thrilled about the idea of the coming of the snow...couldn't wait for it to happen.
  How excited am I about Jesus' return?

Thank you, Lord, for the beauty and joy of the snow.  What a gift.  Most most of all, though, thank you for the reminder that something...someONE...much, much greater than the snow will be coming as well.  In fact, He is the One who washes us white as snow, isn't He?  As I look out the window, seeing the beauty and peace that is emanated from a world blanketed with snow, it makes me slow down and ponder the gift that Christ blankets His children with robes of righteousness.  

Ignite our hearts to beat for You, Lord Jesus.  Fill us with joy and expectation for Your return.  And show us how to best prepare ourselves while we wait.  I don't want to be caught not caring.
                                                                              I want to be ready.   

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